
20th International Scientific Conference in St. Petersburg on July 2-3-4

On April 25 near Turin, a meeting was held with the Russian scientist Prof. Konstantin Koroktov of the University of St. Petersburg, creator of the diagnostic instrument used in many hospitals around the world, GDV/EPC (Gas Discharge Visualisation/Electro Photon Capture).


By |April 29, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on 20th International Scientific Conference in St. Petersburg on July 2-3-4

L ’ electro-smog can cause major problems for our body


Electro-smog can cause major problems for our body: request a survey and find out if you read is affected by electromagnetic fields! […]

By |April 22, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on L ’ electro-smog can cause major problems for our body

ElectroSmog from Wi-Fi: 6 tips to fight it

Wi-Fi modem and ElectroSmog
The WiFi and wireless communications are releasing users from the cable and the physical network, but leave some questions that science still doesn't know how to respond. Although the wireless is positive and desirable to reduce the digital divide and using physical materials in […]

By |April 15, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on ElectroSmog from Wi-Fi: 6 tips to fight it

You can't sleep or you sleep bad?

You can't sleep or you sleep bad? Try our pillow “Feather effect”

Adjustable thickness and softness depending on location, which shall bear sleeping. Compression fit fabric exterior Bamboo Charcoal and Bamboo Pulp staple padding.

We can help you improve your quality of life

By |April 8, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on You can't sleep or you sleep bad?

Sleep well: here are some tips to help you rest better

Sleeping well is important for maintaining good health: a good sleep prevents fatigue, irritability and blemishes but above all allows the proper functioning of the immune system, reducing the risk of contracting infections or diseases in General.

Sleep is a physiological activity necessary for survival, which allows us to retrieve the mental and physical energy expenditure during the […]

By |April 1, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on Sleep well: here are some tips to help you rest better