On April 25 near Turin, a meeting was held with the Russian scientist Prof. Konstantin Koroktov of the University of St. Petersburg, creator of the diagnostic instrument used in many hospitals around the world, GDV/EPC (Gas Discharge Visualisation/Electro Photon Capture).

At the meeting were performed a series of tests with test subjects before Gdv with the equipment of a professor and then treated with the bio-device Full-Point Bioriposo.
The results obtained after treatment with bio-device impressed so’ so the professor who invited the Italian Researcher Bruno Sadri to exhibit officially the search results the next 2/3/4 July at the twentieth international scientific conference in St. Petersburg
The researcher Bruno Sadri is the inventor of the patent of the bio-device that turns electromagnetic fields and/or malicious Geopatici, frequencies suitable for the human body.


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