
Genius Antenna Electronics

What is the Genius Electronic Antenna tool for? Find out about the https://www.bioriposo.net/genius/

For more information contact us at bioriposo@bioriposo.com


By |February 3, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on Genius Antenna Electronics

Our bio-device also works on the blood

Learn more about https://www.bioriposo.net/biodispositivo/


By |February 3, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on Our bio-device also works on the blood

Total protection with our devices

We have created a device for every hour of your day, guaranteeing a protection 12:00 am on 24!
Visit our https://www.bioriposo.net/prodotti/ website

By |December 24, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Total protection with our devices

Quality of life is tied to the quality of sleep

Be healthy and stay healthy are basic assumptions in order to live well and to enjoy life.
Our well-being is represented primarily by our health.
Find out how our Biodispositivi can help you improve your quality of life!


By |December 24, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Quality of life is tied to the quality of sleep

Biopet: patent application


By |December 24, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Biopet: patent application

The bio-device works on the brain

Works on the brain:

– stabilizes nerve cells
– has a pain-reducing effect
– increase your mental performance
– has an effect of positive adjustment to the
circadian rhythms (sleep clock)

Learn more about https://www.bioriposo.net/biodispositivo/

By |December 23, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on The bio-device works on the brain

What is the Omega Max?

Omega Max and a detector of electromagnetic radiation ionized not of the highest quality. Any kind of electromagnetic radiation consists of electric and magnetic component, perpendicular to each other, which spread through space at the speed of light, or 300,000 kilometers per second.

Learn more about https://www.bioriposo.net/omega-max/



By |December 23, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on What is the Omega Max?

The bad sleep affects our life

With our Biodispositivi we can help you change your quality of life.

Learn more https://www.bioriposo.net/prodotti/





By |December 23, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on The bad sleep affects our life

Check out our learn section: energy ecosystem and the role of water

The cosmic radiation through the atmosphere, are partly picked up from the ground, reaching up to considerable depth; This absorption conditions change the electromagnetic field of the soil, which translates, depending on its conductivity, another radiation for reflection, different, to some extent, from what he received.

Learn more about https://www.bioriposo.net/approfondimento-ecosistema-energetico/

By |December 23, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Check out our learn section: energy ecosystem and the role of water

Our patented bio-device and our quality worldwide

By |December 23, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Our patented bio-device and our quality worldwide