
Discover what is Fenix?

Fenix and a presence detector Hartmann and Curry. The instrument is used to measure energy changes on professional radiestetica Earth. This radiation, which took its name from the lines and nodes Hartmann and Curry, have a major influence on all living things.

Learn more about https://www.bioriposo.net/fenix/

By |December 23, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Discover what is Fenix?

The bio-device works on ’ inflammation

Learn more about https://www.bioriposo.net/biodispositivo/

By |December 23, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on The bio-device works on ’ inflammation

What do you know about energy dissipation?

The physicist Ernest Froelich: our body is a great energy and at the same time a large shock absorber.
Our body is a "set" of cells that needs continuous exchange with the different energies of the environment; each one of these cells to function has been equipped with a magnetic field…


By |December 23, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on What do you know about energy dissipation?

A synergistic pair

When the mattress and the supporting plane come together, we can find the bed synergistically!
Learn more about https://www.bioriposo.net/il-letto-sinergico/

By |December 23, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on A synergistic pair

How to choose the right pillow

The criterion for assessing whether your pillow has the right thickness is the Verticality of the look. When you lie there and relax, your eyes have to look up at the ceiling…Learn more about https://www.bioriposo.net/guanciale/

Choose the quality of our Vegan Bacon Effettopiuma!!
For more information contattataci to bioriposo@bioriposo.com

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I nostri gadgets

Email Bioriposo to your friend and get as a gift one of our gadgets!

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Radiation detector techniques

Every day we are surrounded by electromagnetic radiation produced by the equipment we use every day, causing disturbances to our health…
Request a survey with our technical and professional!

By |November 4th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Radiation detector techniques

Our awards have made us grow

The Full-Point mark and increasingly popular everywhere and perhaps made us forget past efforts but we do honor our customers whose confidence has enabled our growth and we gratify ' valuable awards that the Full-Point mark reaps such each performance officer.

The 43rd international exhibition of the invention […]

By |November 4th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Our awards have made us grow

Hartmann Scanner

Hartmann Scanner: this is a kit of two instruments made by Full Point Corporation based on original patterns dictated by Dr. Hernst Hartmann to locate the lines that make up the network of #Hartmann and its crossings both indoors and outdoors. These two tools are designed to work in pairs.
The first: the Sounder […]

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To live better, we need the light and warmth!
Check out our new bio-dome Cover Pillow to improve your health and your well-being.

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