Georitmogramma test using elettrogeoboscopio with and without the use of bio-device patented full-point run by Ign. Giacomo de Vito and presented at the Congress scientific doctor 1994 – Levico Terme – TN
The main biophysical measurement system is the Georitmogramma that by means of a graphical representation of the resistance expressed in Kiloohms versus time, expresses and record your response of the body all’ and then to chemical elements and events incredibly small doses, mechanical and electromagnetic. The variations are expressed through external modifications to the boundaries of the body (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) what happens to Georitmogramma After a prolonged stop of 8/9 hours of’ individual Full-on bio-device Point? You can see in the following diagrams:
Since’ antiquity, particularly in recent years thanks to scientific experimentation, it was found as the soil affects biological processes of’ individual so definitely not homogeneous and still not completely clear. In nature all living beings have adapted to places by strengthening their defence, while, according to some research Geobiological, the danger of some places, place in reference to’ man and in particular in the workplace, at home and in places where c’ significant is the permanence, represents the’ trigger a range of chronic diseases. In particular, cosmo-telluric radiations beyond those techniques, become dangerous during sleep, as it is proven that the’ the human body, in addition to stand on the same place about a third of his life, he finds himself with immune defenses reduced to 30%. Then the parameter that determines the outbreak of diseases is the continuity over time, due to accumulation of real stress for the continuous waste of energies that the body produces to combat these situations not biocompatible. With regard to the’ aggressiveness of places, everything depends on changes of the geological situation, presence of underground waterways, faults, deposits, mineral veins, cavity etc..
Also the effects of such aggressive areas are amplified by the presence of various orthogonal grids or networks, which according to various scholars, Hartmann, Palm, Curry, are presented as a set of invisible walls oriented, that pass anywhere, whether on the ground or through the houses rising up to the limits of the biosphere. The grid of the Dr. Hartmann runs at constant distance from North-South and East-West and his band, approximately 20 cm. the whole earth; particularly in’ Central Europe, on the side of the grid is about 2 x 2.50 meters, has a polarity that reverses every 6 hours or so, with an ease not always adjust due to the presence of geological anomalies above. With a biophysical instrumentation, we can control the human bio-field variations tant’ When l’ male hovers over an aggressive place, activates the autonomic nervous system to restore l’ eutony. Despite the various researches in the field we are not yet able to establish fully the nature of the energies brought into play on geopathogen, but you know they are very weak and are the summation of various components, such as electromagnetic waves, infrasonic, ionizing radiation, changes in conductivity of’ air, etc..
Things to emphasize that due to the presence of other networks and their cross, everything becomes complicated, so if you want to know the situation of human reaction, we must first analyze the soil and find a place. It was also noted that it is necessary to have knowledge of its biodynamic field because’ It produces interference. If you apply to the human body a weak electric current, as explained by Dr. Hartmann, is opposite a resistance on the part of the autonomic nervous system and special colloidal States. There are no absolute standard values for this resistance that varies depending on the physique, the particular situation of reactivity, weather, dell’ surroundings, the latitude and longitude in which l’ experiment. The Georitmogramma provides guidance not only on’ body activities but also on every single drug medicine with which this enters into a relationship. It is a simple measurement method in which the body is assimilated to a switch to bridge between two metal electrodes, strictly of the same material. Experimentation has shown that places and geopathogen points to georitmogramma compared with the situation alter examined, as well as highlights the presence in’ environment, factors that amplify such alteration as: electromagnetic smog). Despite the difficulties at the boundary, and yet affermabile that global network nodes ladder is particularly, as well as on other geopathogen points, there are recognizable characteristic diagrams. The observations made so far show, in respect of such geopathogen, vagotoniche stress disorders expressed as average elevation of resistance, with sudden jumps, where the sympathetic nervous system, according to Hartmann, shaken just accordingly.
With regard to the’ Italian experience and particularly that of the undersigned, and spelled out in various directions:
a) using a’ capillary information via institutions.
In fact the’ administration of the municipality of Alessano (LE), for the first time in Italy and perhaps in Europe, has established a municipal energy verification service, offering to all its citizens to make a free check-up in homes in which they live, so test the healthiness of housing, as regards both the’ the presence of strong electromagnetic fields and geopathogen nodes for both the materials used to build the House and furnish it.
b) L’ other experience was directed through a pilot study on cancer and geological disturbances, conducted by myself in collaboration with l’ Ospedale di Tricase (LE).
Cancer cases have been studied more abnormal in six countries of the respective USL and were provided the elements of the subject. Currently this project and party with the request for informed consent of various patients behind detailed explanation of the doctors and myself. In the coming weeks that will go to the homes of patients and perform the checks and possibly ascertain geological abnormalities and geopathogen nodes that have played a causative effect on the formation of tumors of patients themselves. Equipment used will be of two types:
1) For l’ identification of geopathogen places will be played using the’ Dr antenna ... Hartmann and the Hartmann company Scanner Full-Point.
2) to verify the’ negative influence of aggressive places on patients, we will make use of’ elettrogeobioscopio who will be able to determine the Georitmogramma of’ individual tested.
Finally, in cases of geopathogen disorders will continue l’ experiment by arranging in bed a firm POINT that bio-device FULL-has an effect of absorption and transformation of telluric radiations and techniques and effects will be studied over time. Meanwhile some experiments have been conducted with the bio-device designed to clarify capabilities; from reading data available I could actually detect an improvement in subjects using the bio-device.